1、I hope you will become smarter and smarter on this special day.。
3、祝你愚人节快乐,笑口常开!April Fool's Day, so worried about you, you must not go out today yo!
4、Dear friends, Happy April Fool's Day!
6、April Fool's Day, fool is also a positive energy, be a blessed fool!
7、April Fool's Day is approaching. Whose true words will turn into jokes on that day.。
9、April Fool's Day, you can say love me, even if it is false!
10、祝你愚得恰到其分,乐得无边!April Fool's Day has arrived, must not carelessly yo!
11、I just want to love you every day and accompany you forever. Happy April Fool's Day!
14、Suddenly remembered that today is April Fool's Day, my heart then crashed!
15、Happy company in April Fool's Day, good luck, happy every second!
16、April Fool's Day, may friends forgive and be happy!
17、April Fool's Day please laugh, congratulations, a new fool was born.。
19、Today's April Fool's Day, I wish you a happy holiday, all the best!
21、祝你天天愚人节,日日都幸福!April Fool's Day blessings, laughter and joy!
22、I wish you happiness every April Fool's Day.。
23、Happy April Fool's Day and keep your mouth open!
25、You're such a smart, over-smart fellow. Be a fool for a day!
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